
The foundation

Facts about

The Dr. Manuel Camelo Foundation, A.C., was founded in 1986. This institution is dedicated to the support of scientific research in Mexico related to psychiatry and mental health. It also combats the stigma and discrimination against mental disorders.

This foundation was inspired by the work of Dr. Manuel Camelo, founder of the first clinic for patients with nervous and mental disorders in the northern part of Mexico, and by the work of his son, Dr. Manuel Gregorio Camelo Martinez.

At present, this organization is directed by the third generation, Manuel Camelo Hernandez, and continues working to support and stimulate research in the field of psychiatry and mental health so that Mexican scientists do not have to leave the country in order to continue their studies.

Dr. Manuel Camelo


The mission of the foundation is to promote, develop, protect and stimulate research in the field of psychiatry and mental health in Mexico in such a way that Mexican scientists and researchers will become international leaders in this field.


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